Monday, February 25, 2013

To You

To you; the teacher that made headlines this weekend after the prank you pulled on your grade 8 students.

What an opportunity you have given us.  To find acceptance within ourselves for our own faults.  To find forgiveness in you because we long for forgiveness of ourselves.

I apologize to you for the words and actions of those who feel that they have lived a life of perfection that they feel the need to be judge and jury in this situation.

I apologize to you because humanity has lost it's mind and the only reason why anyone would ever create such a harsh and negative spin around your story is because they themselves feel as though they deserve the harsh and negative for their own past behaviours.

I can't imagine what your life was like this weekend.  The emails, the editorials, the social media bashing.  The sleepless nights. 

I hope you had at least one person, one friend or one stranger tell you that it's going to be okay.

I think of you today as you put one foot in front of the other; as you walk into your workplace, unsure of what you will encounter.

My heart and my prayers are with you because I have been where you are.  I have made mistakes and misjudgements.  I have asked for forgiveness and been denied.  I am tired of living in a world where one little misstep creates judgement, guilt and shame.  I am tired of everyone waiting on baited breath for someone else to mess up so that it gives them the opportunity to shift their focus onto something other than themselves for a moment.

Thankfully, you are only this weeks news.  Someone else will come along and take your place.  Poor soul.

It's laughable that the very people shaming you for what they are calling an act of 'bullying' cannot recognize the role they are playing in perpetuating that cycle.

It's laughable that we could ever stand in judgement of another being on this planet when we are all just trying to survive, moment by moment.

I wonder when we will all wake up and realize that this world will not change unless we begin to change our reactions to these types of situations.


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