Saturday, January 7, 2012

Magic Can Happen!

What happens when you get three passionate, creative and super intelligent women together?

You get an AWESOMEness summit!

By now you've all heard about the upcoming Unleash Your Awesomeness Summit in Windsor on January 28, 2012.

I have dreamed for years of being part of something this spectacular and life changing.

And while I dreamed, I never once imagined that it would be changing my life in the process.

First of all, working with Heather Chauvin, Rosemary Heenan and Kelly Cowan has been empowering and inspiring to say the least.

When the four of us get together to brainstorm and create it's like magic. 

In fact, just today my microphone wasn't working properly and so I had to type in my ideas through Skype and everytime I had something to say someone else in the group would automatically say exactly what it was that was going through my mind.  So my end of the conversation was alot of smiley faces and 'lol's :)

If that's not magical I don't know what is.

Besides that, on a personal level, a project of this magnitude makes you reconsider yourself. 

Stepping outside of your comfort zone and going where you never thought you could go before and finding out it's an abundant mountain of success is like being trained by a Jedi knight and fighting your first bad guy with your wicked mind powers!


And soon we'll be releasing a pre-event video that brought both tears and laughter because I know from where we all come and I know where we are all headed.  The video itself catches the essence of each of us, our passions, our internal worries and setbacks and what we wish for everyone who attends the event.

All I have to say is that the four women behind the  Unleash Your AWESOMEness Summit are here on this planet to give you everything they've got.  To steer you in the direction of your dreams and help you set sail on that journey.  We're not leaving anything out of this event!

If you have to miss this event because you have a prior commitment, we understand.  If you are free that day and you choose to miss it because you don't think you will benefit or you don't value yourself enough to attend.  Well, that will be tragic.

If you want to purchase tickets and receive a FREE intuitive angel message from yours truly (valid until January 8 @ 11:59pm).  Just visit our event page then send me a quick email letting me know you've purchased your ticket and I'll send you a personal intuitive message to your email address :)

I can't wait to see you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenn, I wish so much that I could attend but I work every Saturday and then teach my pup socialization classes. Are you guys video taping it by chance? or recording the audio? I would be very interested in watching...listening or I'll just have to catch the next one! I'm so thrilled for all of you. Many will be blessed! Have a great day! Love and Light,


I enjoy receiving your respectful comments :)