WARNING: this post might confuse the heck out of you. Do not operate heavy machinery while reading this post. Do not attempt to cook a meal while reading this post. Taking too long to read this post might make you as crazy as I am. You've been warned!
I might be better off today, if I wrote in some mysterious ancient language. At least it might seem more exotic or mysterious.
Instead it's just going to be me trying to piece words together that may or may not make sense.
Because lately, it feels like english doesn't make sense to me. In fact, nothing about my life is making any sense to me. I feel a bit like I'm walking in a fog and God only knows if I'm about to step off the edge of the earth.
I know there are things I need to do, clients to see, dinners to make and still I feel like my eyes are only half open. I had to keep looking down at myself to make sure I had gotten dressed today because even in my 'going out of the house' clothes, I feel like I'm still in my pj's.
Does anyone else feel like they need to stay in bed for a week (you can nod and agree if you want to, no one can see you)?
Maybe it was that asteroid that nearly hit earth the other day and shifted the gravitational pull (or something like that, I wasn't paying attention).
It's not just me.
I got home from a meeting this afternoon to see that my youngest decided to take a nap. He's eleven, so any chance of him agreeing to lay down in the middle of the day is nil!
I think I've sprouted 10 different personalities over the past month. And they all want air time.... It's ridiculous!
I mean, I can't even think of 10 names to call them!
I wonder what would happen if I gave them each their own blog???
I might as well be walking through life backwards these days. At least that way I'd have a better view of what I've missed.
At the bakery today, I handed the girl a $10 bill and then waited for change. She stood there staring at me because I had my hand out and my change purse open to receive change. She said "did you need a bag or something?" and I looked at her, looked at my purse and realized the total was $10 and there would be no change.
Yep, I'm good for a laugh these days.
Gosh I feel sofucked up dazed and confused....
Aren't you glad you popped over today for a visit?
I might be better off today, if I wrote in some mysterious ancient language. At least it might seem more exotic or mysterious.
Instead it's just going to be me trying to piece words together that may or may not make sense.
Because lately, it feels like english doesn't make sense to me. In fact, nothing about my life is making any sense to me. I feel a bit like I'm walking in a fog and God only knows if I'm about to step off the edge of the earth.
I know there are things I need to do, clients to see, dinners to make and still I feel like my eyes are only half open. I had to keep looking down at myself to make sure I had gotten dressed today because even in my 'going out of the house' clothes, I feel like I'm still in my pj's.
Does anyone else feel like they need to stay in bed for a week (you can nod and agree if you want to, no one can see you)?
Maybe it was that asteroid that nearly hit earth the other day and shifted the gravitational pull (or something like that, I wasn't paying attention).
It's not just me.
I got home from a meeting this afternoon to see that my youngest decided to take a nap. He's eleven, so any chance of him agreeing to lay down in the middle of the day is nil!
I think I've sprouted 10 different personalities over the past month. And they all want air time.... It's ridiculous!
I mean, I can't even think of 10 names to call them!
I wonder what would happen if I gave them each their own blog???
I might as well be walking through life backwards these days. At least that way I'd have a better view of what I've missed.
At the bakery today, I handed the girl a $10 bill and then waited for change. She stood there staring at me because I had my hand out and my change purse open to receive change. She said "did you need a bag or something?" and I looked at her, looked at my purse and realized the total was $10 and there would be no change.
Yep, I'm good for a laugh these days.
Gosh I feel so
Aren't you glad you popped over today for a visit?