Spring is here and it seems everywhere you look people are in the mood for cleansing.
I myself could use a good detoxification right about now AND that realization got me thinking that it may be that my prayer practice could use a good detox. I've gotten a little whiney with my prayers lately; so I think it's high time I did something about that.
So, I'm going on a prayer cleanse.
For the next thirty days the only prayer I will be offering up to the Big Guy is 'Thank You'.
This idea makes my stomach flutter. Can I do it? Will I have the will power to get through the next 30 days?
I sure hope so.
Because there is nothing like 30 days of gratitude to get the life pipes cleaned out.
I myself could use a good detoxification right about now AND that realization got me thinking that it may be that my prayer practice could use a good detox. I've gotten a little whiney with my prayers lately; so I think it's high time I did something about that.
So, I'm going on a prayer cleanse.
For the next thirty days the only prayer I will be offering up to the Big Guy is 'Thank You'.
This idea makes my stomach flutter. Can I do it? Will I have the will power to get through the next 30 days?
I sure hope so.
Because there is nothing like 30 days of gratitude to get the life pipes cleaned out.
Right on!