Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Humbled Beyond Words

I was fortunate enough to be invited to speak at a local high school today.

The topic?  The power of your thoughts on yourself, others and the world.

The information shared never gets old for me; maybe it's because I am in front of a new group of people each time or maybe because I am reminded again and again of the personal power that we each possess to create a better life and a better world to live in.

As I stood in front of each class today I was humbled beyond words to be standing in front of them.

Their 'beingness' reached into my heart and whispered "we are somebody". 


I was honoured to be standing in front of our future government officials, doctors, lawyers, teachers, parents, etc.  These young adults are our future.  They deserve our undivided attention.  They deserve to be given the tools they are going to need to walk confidently into their futures.

To be chosen; to be invited into their learning environment to provide them with a piece of the puzzle was a great gift to me.  Even if that piece of the puzzle starts off like so many great things do; as a tiny seed that was implanted into their hearts and minds.  That's enough for me.


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