Monday, July 11, 2011

A Book Worth Reading

When my good facebook friend Ed McBeth announced the launch of his new book "How To Seduce Life", I thought to myself "now THIS is a book I want to read, in fact this is a book I would LOVE to do a review for".                                                                                                                   

Lucky for me Ed thought my offer to review was a good idea and sent me a copy of his 'baby' for me to read.

It's not often I get to read a 'self help' book that is honest, realistic and humourous.  Let's face it most self help authors are dry and all the advice they give is something most of us can't imagine doing for ourselves.

Guru Eduardo (Ed's pen name) tells it like it is in 'How To Seduce Life'.  He shares his wisdom and wise cracks and everytime I picked the book up it felt as though I had him right in my living room with me sharing a beer and a few laughs about life.

The timing of this literary gem couldn't have been better for me! 

Reading Guru Eduardo's tips on how to authentically seduce life has rekindled a passion in me for random acts of kindness and living a life full of fun!  Both of which I've been slacking on and really needed a kick in the pants...  Thanks Guru!

Guru Eduardo takes Dr. David Hawkins "Power vs. Force" to the next level.  Teaching you how to remain in a positive state of mind, avoid negative pitfalls and get what you truly want out of life!

'How To Seduce Life' is the everyday person's guide to being a success in the business of YOU.  It encourages you to look at life a little lot more on the light side, recognize and take action on the plethora of positive change opportunities that surround us every day and be an excellent role model for the people you interact with. 

The Guru writes about changing the world, love, fear, belief systems, super powers and so much more!

He 'gets real' with us about personal growth, you can feel the love that Ed has for life and for his readers.  I cannot remember ever reading a non-fiction/self help that is fun to read, gives you real life examples of how to get through challenges and encourages you to hone your silliness skills and to discover your super powers!

To say that I LOVE this book would be an understatement!

It will definitely be one of the few books on my shelf that I will refer to time and time again for a 'reality' check.

Thanks Ed for being so wise and for sharing that wisdom with the world!

BUY the book NOW and learn more about Guru Eduardo!  Visit

1 comment:

  1. Great review. I look forward to reading the book. :D
    @jonesbabie on Twitter


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