As a last sort of hurrah before school began, I took my 2 youngest sons (ages 10 & 13) to a Bed & Breakfast retreat in Wallacetown, Ontario called Lavender Sense.
We treated ourselves to 3 days and 2 nights at the Bed & Breakfast and enjoyed all there was to see and do while we were there.
The Lavender Sense property has acres of Carolinian forest with nature trails to walk through or sit within and enjoy the peaceful serenity of the birds singing.
My boys had a great time laying in the hammocks that were placed amongst the trees in the forest, finding treasures in snail shells and beetle carcasses that had long been left behind when whatever moth or butterfly emerged from them.
There is breathtaking artwork hanging amongst the trees in the forest as well, giving it an even more peaceful feeling.
There is a rocky beach about 5 minutes down the road where you can beach comb for interesting shaped rocks, fossils and driftwood. We brought our reusable bags with us as the boys and I LOVE to find beach treasures. I loaded my bag with a half dozen large heart shaped stones!
Sitting by the pond feeding the fish, trying to spot the painted turtle and walking through the rows and rows of lavender plants was another way we spent our time. The boys even clipped their own lavender to take home with them at the end of our trip.
The bed & breakfast itself is amazing! This century home is filled with natural hardwood floors and oak trim. With an angel decorum throughout the home it feels so serene, it's easy to find a cozy corner to rest and read.
The owners of the B&B are so welcoming and loving, it felt as though we were home and not at a B&B at all. Within the home there is an angel gift shop as well as a lavender boutique filled with oils, cookbooks, jams, teas and all sorts of other wonderful lavender treasures.
This was my first experience staying at a bed and breakfast and I will certainly do it again, very soon.
The Andersen's were very accomodating to my son who is a vegetarian and to the boys themselves, suggesting things to keep them occupied for those rare moments they found themselves with nothing to do!
I highly recommend Lavender Sense as a place to visit during any season, they are open year round and I hear there is easy access to a toboganning hill close by!
I felt as though this retreat was filled with abundance, I could feel it as we arrived and I was filled with it when we left.
Check them out here and see all of the workshops and events they have planned for the year!
If you're looking for a relaxing, quiet getaway, Lavender Sense is the place for you. It's easy to find and easy to fall in love with.
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