Last night as I was entertaining my YouTube addiction. I came across a great video showing Dr. David Hawkins addressing a question from a woman who worries a lot and would like to stop her obsessive worrying.
The video is hilarious to watch. Dr. Hawkins is skillful at bringing humor into his teachings.
His message in this particular video is that when we embrace what brings us discomfort we come to experience less of that discomfort. When we resist the discomfort we experience more of that discomfort.
Most of us wouldn't necessarily go the route of embracing tragedy, change, worry and stress. Most of us would fight it every step of the way. Find ways to irradicate it, ignore it, make it go away as quickly as possible.
And most of us would agree that if we look back at the times when we have fought our discomfort, we did indeed experience more of it. Ego loves a good fight.
And nothing says "speak louder to me" like ignoring a problem or situation. It's like a flashing neon sign to ego that you can't hear it or see it and therefore it should try harder to make itself heard and seen.
Dr. Hawkins theory and message spoke volumes to me.
Years ago while in a therapy session discussing my anxiety and panic attacks, the therapist said to me "the next time you have a panic attack, I would like you to exaggerate it. Play it up a little more, cry harder, panic harder, scream louder and see what happens."
That was the last time I saw that therapist. I thought the guy was a kook!
Seriously, anyone who has experienced a panic attack knows that you cannot possibly imagine exaggerating an attack.
I did not overcome my panic attacks by exaggerating them. However, I did overcome them by accepting that they were a part of who I was and even though I didn't know where they came from they were still very much something I may have to live with. That was the end of my panic attacks. That moment of acceptance. When we accept something we are loving it and much of ego's tricks and antics are fueled by Un-Love or fear.
That therapist was onto something, little did I know at the time. Had I entertained my panic attack, exaggerate it as best I could, allow it to play in my mind and body I would have been showing it that I was no longer afraid and that I was a willing participant in the "show" and they would have vanished.
Have you ever helped your child exaggerate a temper tantrum? I have. Plenty of times! Nothing diffuses a temper tantrum quicker than Mom or Dad helping the child exaggerate their discomfort. It instantly becomes ridiculous and ends in laughter and quick memory loss as to what brought it on in the first place.
This works for adults as well. Bringing in the ridiculous-ness of the situation, dissolves the fear and worry.
No stress. No fear. No regret. No disconnect from the mind, body, spirit.
Only Bliss.....
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