Friday, January 22, 2010

Meditation Magic

Meditation for families just might be the secret ingredient to raising our children with a greater sense of focus and well being.

Meditation exercises have been proven to alleviate stress and anxiety, frustration,fear, anger, restlessness and much more!

A carefree childhood has become a thing of the past.

As adults we often think of childhood as a time with no worries, responsibiltiies, obligations and cares.

But if we really think back to our own childhood we know that that is not true. Stress affects children too.

We live in a world filled with exaggerated media coverage of world events, an increased rate of bullying experiences, financial struggles within the family and a high rate of divorce, with which all contribute to the stress that children feel on a daily basis.

Families can practice meditation together and benefit immensely. Bringing a stronger bond of love and acceptance into the family circle.

The benefits of meditation are many:
Reduced prolonged stress
Reduced Anxiety
Reduction in the symptoms of ADD/ADHD
Calmer sense of being
Ability to sleep regularly and well
Reduced Aggression
A deeper sense of relaxation
Improved concentration and focus
Enhanced Creativity
Clearer memory
Greater self awareness
Better ability to deal with stress as it comes
Increased Tranquility
A healthier mind and body
A lower risk of possible future health problems

It is important for us as parents to give our children the tools they need to see them well into the future.  We are very good at keeping them busy, getting them involved in a variety of daily activities, we need to realize that they need a balance of quiet time of acceptance as well as activity to ensure a balanced spectrum of health.

Participating as a family assists the children in feeling supported in their well being.  And Mom and Dad benefit greatly as well.

It's a win-win situation!

1 comment:

  1. What a great and thoughtful post! I really enjoyed reading this.

    Just wanted to pop by and thank you for following me. I'm here to return the favor---am your newest follower!

    Erin @ The Mother Load


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