I don't know about you but I've found myself on more than one occasion feeling inadequate in this life. It's not uncommon for me to feel like there's something I should be doing or something I should be changing about myself because I might miss something really important if I don't keep myself busy.
Many of us spend our days pounding our heads against the wall. How do I become more productive? How can I squeeze more things into the day? When will I feel comfortable in my own skin? How much more do I have to read? How many more workshops must I attend? How come I can't just BE?
That last question is a real mystery.
I've tried to BE through meditation. I've tried to BE through prayer. I've tried to BE through yoga. I've tried to BE through reading.
I'm trying to BE so hard that I think I'm missing the point. Does this sound familiar?
What has become very clear to me in the past few months is that there is nothing you need to do in order to BE. And 'being' really isn't the problem here. There isn't a moment in the day that you aren't 'being' who you were meant to be. Have you ever tried NOT TO BE? It's impossible not to be who you are!
I think the real problem that we face is that we don't recognize that WHO WE BE in life is the miracle and there is no way that we will ever not be who and what life wants us to be.
We spend so much precious time trying to change who we are. We are trying to change a perfect creation. Doesn't that sound silly. Read that again. Let it sink in. We are trying to change a perfect creation.
And by perfect creation I mean a Soul that has chosen to inhabit a physical body in order to experience life as a human being. Now some of you might look at your physical body and say 'there is nothing perfect about this creation' and you wouldn't be further from the truth with that statement.
Your body has systems and processes that are so perfect it would blow your mind! How are you even breathing right now if not for the perfect process of the lungs. Certainly if you are dealing with health issues you are not perfect. Wrong again! Those health issues are perfect messages and perfect learning tools for your life. Use them. Learn from them. Don't let them go to waste!
As for our attitudes and beliefs. I've spent many years blogging about how to change your attitudes and beliefs. Now I see how silly and arrogant of me that was. Attitudes and beliefs change on their own; with the flow of the seasons and the blowing of the wind. They change as we move through life; as we have more experiences; as we gain more momentum. Change...whether it be in your attitudes, beliefs or self valuation....is inevitable.
The easiest path through change is to love who you BE. Right now. In all of your busyness and all of your seeming imperfection. Love who you BE when you are angry and frustrated. Love who you BE when you are happy and compassionate.
Allowing yourself to behave the way you are without judgement feels like pulling on your favourite sweater. The smell is familiar and the softness makes you feel safe and protected.
All your Soul wants is for you to love. All your soul wants is for you to know that you couldn't possibly be more magnificent than who and what you are being RIGHT this moment.
Many of us spend our days pounding our heads against the wall. How do I become more productive? How can I squeeze more things into the day? When will I feel comfortable in my own skin? How much more do I have to read? How many more workshops must I attend? How come I can't just BE?
That last question is a real mystery.
I've tried to BE through meditation. I've tried to BE through prayer. I've tried to BE through yoga. I've tried to BE through reading.
I'm trying to BE so hard that I think I'm missing the point. Does this sound familiar?
What has become very clear to me in the past few months is that there is nothing you need to do in order to BE. And 'being' really isn't the problem here. There isn't a moment in the day that you aren't 'being' who you were meant to be. Have you ever tried NOT TO BE? It's impossible not to be who you are!
I think the real problem that we face is that we don't recognize that WHO WE BE in life is the miracle and there is no way that we will ever not be who and what life wants us to be.
We spend so much precious time trying to change who we are. We are trying to change a perfect creation. Doesn't that sound silly. Read that again. Let it sink in. We are trying to change a perfect creation.
And by perfect creation I mean a Soul that has chosen to inhabit a physical body in order to experience life as a human being. Now some of you might look at your physical body and say 'there is nothing perfect about this creation' and you wouldn't be further from the truth with that statement.
Your body has systems and processes that are so perfect it would blow your mind! How are you even breathing right now if not for the perfect process of the lungs. Certainly if you are dealing with health issues you are not perfect. Wrong again! Those health issues are perfect messages and perfect learning tools for your life. Use them. Learn from them. Don't let them go to waste!
As for our attitudes and beliefs. I've spent many years blogging about how to change your attitudes and beliefs. Now I see how silly and arrogant of me that was. Attitudes and beliefs change on their own; with the flow of the seasons and the blowing of the wind. They change as we move through life; as we have more experiences; as we gain more momentum. Change...whether it be in your attitudes, beliefs or self valuation....is inevitable.
The easiest path through change is to love who you BE. Right now. In all of your busyness and all of your seeming imperfection. Love who you BE when you are angry and frustrated. Love who you BE when you are happy and compassionate.
Allowing yourself to behave the way you are without judgement feels like pulling on your favourite sweater. The smell is familiar and the softness makes you feel safe and protected.
All your Soul wants is for you to love. All your soul wants is for you to know that you couldn't possibly be more magnificent than who and what you are being RIGHT this moment.